The meaning of democracy in EU: 29 shadows of grey?
Across Europe, the political spectrum is radicalising. Far-right and left-wing groups are growing in numbers and the pro-anti EU cleavage is becoming deeper. This phenomenon appears in di erent forms: in some countries extreme right- or left-wing ideologies are represented by political parties, while in other countries radicalism is predominantly expressed via networks and militant groups. But all thrive on the rising discontent of voters with mainstream politics and try to exploit citizens’ fears. Since the Schuman Declaration, European citizens have been broadly in favour of integration, but this consensus is now declining just when it is most needed to complete the EMU. At the same time the EU is attacked for eroding national democracies. This session will address these and other controversies by gauging the state of democracy in the EU and its member states and how to strengthen them.
Luuk van Middelaar, Professor of EU law and European studies, Universities of Leiden and Louvain and former speech writer to Council President Herman Van Rompuy;
György Schöpin, Member of the European Parliament;
Elly Schlein, Member of the European Parliament